October 23, 2007

Cover letter for "Practical Imperial QMDJ" Video Course


Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for purchasing this video-correspondence course.

The original course plan was much smaller in scale than the current size. You can see the current retail price (US$699 and then $999 in a few months) reflects the amount of work involved and comparable market price of similar products.

There are still quite a few rough edges in the video. It will take forever to ship if I try to correct it all. If the same video is done by professional video company, it will cost US$100- 150k. The street price of each copy will be over US$3000.

The course is not perfect. But I found video is probably better than live-class instruction in that the process is a lot smoother. Same amount of information can be shown in about 1/3 of the time used in live class. So you can learn more efficiently and at your own leisure or pace. Slow learners can also learn easier with video. Combining an online discussion group with a video course may outshine live class instructions.

However, it takes 3- 4 times more time to prepare for video than live class. The danger of piracy and lost revenue are also much higher than live class. The video was made in a 2- 3 month period and you can see I have “aged” through the process.

If after taking the course, you feel that the price tag is too high for something this simple, then I have done my job.

In 2005 when I first taught "Imperial QMDJ", a Chinese teacher also announced that he will have a QMDJ class, but it will be six months later. Another Chinese teacher also made a similar announcement, but the course will be available two years later (he will teach it in early 2008).

So you know it takes a master-level Chinese teacher 6 months to 2 years to learn or prepare for QMDJ. Now my course can show you how to use QMDJ in as little as an hour. It takes me a long time to develop this course to make it simple and easy to learn.

This is a “practical” course in that I minimize theory and items that will confuse you rather than helping you to use QMDJ. Specifically, the process of calculating ju numbers, seasons and chart construction is briefly covered. This part still takes 3-months to learn in Taiwan.

You may ask, does this omission hurt your QMDJ applications?

Even assume you have gone through learning all these “nuts and bolts” process (and spent 2- 3 days and US$800- 1200), you STILL need to check the Qi-Men 10k Calendar. If you check the calendar, why not just flip a few more pages to look for the QMDJ chart at the same time?

Yes, you may manually construct the QMDJ chart—it takes 15- 30 minutes and it is very error-prone with over 50 data points!

The worse thing is, after you have paid and learned these theories, you are likely to forget it in less than a month, especially if you don’t use it often enough.

You don’t need to be a mechanic to drive a car. Same logic applies to QMDJ.

Now with course manuals Mini-Qi-Men 10K calendar and 1080 Tables, you can locate a QMDJ chart and make interpretation in one to five minutes. The theory people cannot even figure out the ju # in 5 minutes!

In my 5-days class that covers both theory and usages, I found most students are likely to get frustrated in the theory and calculations parts that killed most of the class time, leaving very little time for practical examples and demonstrations.

This practical video class covers more grounds (except theory) than my 5-days class. It has more graphics and examples. You will be more confident in applying QMDJ after this class.

Even assuming you have learned nothing from this course, you can still use the “Optimized QMDJ charts” as long as you can read 1-2-3!

Finally, thanks again for your patience and feel free to ask questions in the online discussion group. I cannot possibly put everything into the manual and video. If you like the course, please refer it to your friends or write some comments (can be anonymous) for me or in public lists. If you don’t like it, you can use the DVD with my picture as target practice (Sorry, Chinese does not have a refund custom).

Best Wishes!


Ken Lai

"Practical Imperial QMDJ" with 9 hr. video
"4-Pillars Bootcamp" with 8 hr. video now available
"Daoist Talisman for FS and Blessing" w/ 13 hr video
"Practical Door FS for wealth" w/ 3 hr. video

Instructions for running "Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia" DVD

This DVD is menu-driven. All the videos can be activated using only one menu. But you need to click the “up-arrow or down- arrow” to scroll the menu. In order to return to the menu, always exit the video player or PDF reader after you are done reading or viewing.


- Knowledge of “stems and branches” (read the main manual)
- Know how to find the binomial of a date and specific hour (read the main manual or use the 4P Calculator program enclosed)
- Know how to distinguish the 4 cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) and the sub-cardinal directions (NW, SW, NE, SE) using a simple compass
If you have taken Feng Shui class or Bazi (4-Pillars) class before, then you should have no problem with these pre-requisites. If not, simply read the main manual a few times.

1. You should go to the “SUPPORTING FILES AND PROGRAMS” menu page, click on “Chinese For QMDJ: learn how to read and write” entry and print out a copy of the file. It helps you greatly if you can at least recognize the 100 or so Chinese characters used in QMDJ. We also have provided you with an “instant translation ruler” to help you with this task. If you have Feng Shui or 4P background, you already knew the stems/ branches and 24 mountains characters. The most frequently used characters in Imperial QMDJ are less than 35.
2. You read the manual once quickly to get an idea of what QMDJ is about.
3. Watch the “Overview” video.
4. Before you watch any other video segment, always read the related chapter once first.

This DVD contains over 9 hours of compressed video. It is equivalent to 9 DVDs or the equivalent of over 3 days of live class. It has more case materials than the 5-days live QMDJ class.

If you have purchased the “Advanced Case Studies” CD, then you have more case materials than a 5-days live class student!

With this DVD, you can learn QMDJ in a day because there will be no time-killers like interruptions, coffee breaks, lunch breaks or unrelated stupid questions or teacher’s jokes.

With the learning schedules below, everyone can learn at his/ her own pace. People who have Chinese metaphysics background do not need to “learn” what are stems/branches for the 10th time and can jump chapters whereas beginners can learn at his/her own pace without dragging down the advanced students!

You can take as many notes as you want or not take any. You don’t need to choose between taking notes or listening to the teacher. You can also play or replay a chapter until you understand it. You will not miss a thing!

If you have questions, you can send it to the private discussion group for this course.


This schedule is for the super impatient or people who just want to use QMDJ in the shortest possible time. You may take this route first and then try another schedule.
Prerequisites: knowledge of stems and branches, how to calculate the binomials of a date and hour.
* Overview (17:34 min.)
* What are included in this course (11:12 min.)
* Learn QMDJ in 5-minutes? (26:50 min.)
* How to read QMDJ charts (52:07 min.)

This schedule is for people who just want to use QMDJ in the shortest possible time but with more background knowledge.
Prerequisites: knowledge of stems and branches, how to calculate the binomials of a date and hour.
* Overview (17:34 min.)
* What are included in this course (11:12 min.)
* Learn QMDJ in 5-minutes? (26:50 min.)
* Ch. 2: Basic & related concepts (20:42 min.)
* Ch. 6: Ba-Men (8-Gates) (15:31 min)
* Putting all dimensions together (32:51 min.)
* How to read QMDJ charts (52:07 min.)
* Restricted Manual: Ch.1 to 3 (30:54 min.)
* Restricted Manual: Ch.4 (17:55 min.)
* FAQ1 (39:18 min.)
* FAQ2 (39:00 min.)

This schedule is for people who want to learn QMDJ from the very beginning. Simply follow the order listed in the DVD menu for this schedule.
Prerequisites: knowledge of stems and branches, how to calculate the binomials of a date and hour (study main manual before watching video).

Ken Lai

"Practical Imperial QMDJ" with 9 hr. video
"4-Pillars Bootcamp" with 8 hr. video now available
"Daoist Talisman for FS and Blessing" w/ 13 hr video
"Practical Door FS for wealth" w/ 3 hr. video

September 28, 2007

Almost FREE "Practical Imperial QMDJ" Video Homestudy Course

It is NOT free, but almost free when you consider the
following expenses (based on a 3-day live seminar):

A. # of days with traveling time: 4
Loss of income for 4 days: US$400- 800
B. Airline ticket: US$300- 500
C. Hotel (3- 4 nights): US$ 300- 500
D. Food: US$150- 300

Total expenses before seminar fee: US$1150 to 2100.

3 days seminar tuition fee for "Practical Imperial QMDJ": $1200

So, expenses involved to take a seminar costs as much as or even more than the seminar itself!

With Ken Lai's Video Homestudy course, the saving in traveling expenses can be used to buy the course. So it is like getting the course for free.

Practical Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia Homestudy course includes:
1. 9+ hour of video: completely menu-driven
2. extensive color cheat sheets and translator rulers
3. Four manuals (total over 400 pages)
4. over 2500 digital pages in PDF format
5. private online discussion group to ask questions
6. one month supply of "optimized QMDJ" charts in 6 major areas

With Ken's materials, you may learn to use QMDJ in as little as an hour. Eventually you can locate a QMDJ chart and make interpretation in a minute, almost as fast as a PDA or computer.

The course is user-friendly and designed with both idiots and geniuses in mind.

COURSE PRICE: $999 (will be increased to US$1200)

However, if you order before Oct. 15, 2007, you can get it for US$699.

If you mention Imperial QMDJ blog when ordering, I'll throw in a $100 "ADVANCED CASE STUDIES" CD for FREE (while supply lasts).

To see the DVD menus:
http://www.flickr. com/photos/ 23051496@ N00/show/ with/1291668509/

To see course highlights:
http://www.flickr. com/photos/ 10429370@ N05/sets/ 7215760099233868 6/show/

For more info, check

or email imperialqmdj@ yahoo.com

Thanks for reading this announcement!

Ken Lai

"4P Bootcamp" with 8 hr. video now available
"Daoist Talisman for FS and Blessing" w/ 13 hr video
http://kenlaifengshui.blogspot.com/ MY BLOG SITE

August 6, 2007

QMDJ and other Chinese Metaphysics software-- FREE?

A student asks me if he should buy a Chinese QMDJ
software from Hong Kong.

I've tested over 20 QMDJ programs, mostly in Chinese.

The one published by Juxian Guan is not up to par yet.
All it gives you is just the hour pans plus some
basic descriptions-- not recommended for the price or

There are a few good ones published in mainland China,
but you need to have at least college level Chinese
knowledge to read the Chinese in the program.

There is one in English sold as part of a diary type
program, but its calculations are incorrect.

There is another English version QMDJ program.
Observing from the screen shots, it seems to be a
glorified electronic version of the 1080 tables.

Most English versions of Chinese metaphysics software,
are nothing more than electronic versions of the
charts of the subject that you can find online
software to do it for free.

These programs or javascripts just do the mechanical
calculations for you. Ultimately, human brain power
is still a requirement.

It is easy to check if the programmer knows his/her
stuff--- by checking how many years of QMDJ chart
calculation the program can handle. If it is around 10
years or so, it means s/he may have problem figuring
out a major problem in QMDJ--- how to handle the QMDJ
10k cal. So all s/he can do is retype existing QMDJ
10k Cal manually into the program. It is a lot of
typing, so s/he has to limit the number of years.

Here is a link to get charts of all sorts, from QMDJ,
ZWDS, flying star, Liu-ren, Yi-Jing to Plum Flower:


For QMDJ charts:


With this free online software, you can locate your
birth hour chart in terms of QMDJ-- it will give you a
lot of insight and help analyzing 4P. It supports
charts from 1883-2031.

You need to set your browser to read simplified
Chinese before using this website.

If you have problem reading the Chinese, download my
IQMDJ file from the CA archive.

The ideal QMDJ program should have these features:

--Key in a date range (say from August 1 to 15) and
specify an auspicious profile (say my client wants the
closet "Maiden waiting at the gate hour")-- the
program should give you when you will find the hour
within the range, so you don't need to go through tons
of charts to find the hour.

--Can do divination with explanation

--Can give you explanation of each palace in terms of
positive and negative aspects

--Can give you the function specific info of each
palace by moving the cursor over the palace

--Has more than 10+ years of data, preferably also
historical data like from 1900- 2030, so that you can
use it to do 4P from the perspective of QMDJ

--Can handle hour, day, month and year pans.

--Can rank the pans of a designated period (like a
month) in terms of specific tasks (e.g. litigation,
gambling, grand-opening, travel... etc.), so you can
pick out the best chart in a flash.

-- can advise you how to walk the chart based on your
starting point

-- can show you the indicators or imageries to be seen
when applying QMDJ

--can handle different schools of QMDJ calculation,
not just the classic school

--can handle different methods of integrating the
extra 5-6 days outside the 24 solar terms

So far, no such program exist in Chinese or English.
I've been using a homemade one to do the above
functions. But it is not for sale. I don't want to
be in software-support business. I write out these
specifications so that smart programmers can write one
out for the public.

Ken Lai

QMDJ Divination

Note:  The following blog was written on Sept. 21, 2005

Some people here show intense interest in QMDJ
divination. Hence I post the following excerpt about
QMDJ divination from p.150 of my "Imperial QMDJ"
course manual. The manual is over 400 pages. But my
focus is on "making things happen" and not on
divination or waiting for things to happen.

Generally speaking, if you have problem handling
imageries and associations with 4-Pillars, you can
pretty much forget about doing QMDJ divination.

Besides choosing auspicious direction, QMDJ can also
be applied to divination. The method itself is very
simple, but interpretation of result takes experience
and good associative power or imagination.

Predictions and deductions are based any OR
combinations of the followings:

* 9-stems characteristics and representations
* 8-gates’ 5-elements and characteristics
* 9-stars’ 5-elements, characteristics, shapes and
* 8-gods characteristics and imageries
* 9-palaces or bagua representations and

Besides the above, QMDJ also use specific plate or
dimension to make prediction, for example, to predict
marital relationship, QMDJ uses yi-wood of heaven
plate to represent woman and geng-metal to represent
man. Then check to see the controlling-nurturing
relationship between the two to determine marital
blessing. For sickness, QMDJ uses Tian-rui star to
represent sickness and checks which palace the star
lands on. Then each palace represents certain organs
of the body and hence figuring out where the sickness
is. There are numerous unique principles like the
ones used in these two examples. So it gets very
complicated to use QMDJ as a divination tool,
especially when interactions between plates or
dimensions are also considered. There are simple and
easier divination tools out there that we can use with
ease and cost less to learn.

The followings are some common divination topics and
methods used in QMDJ:
Business and economic forecasting
Marriage and fertility
Missing person and lost articles
Legal problems

Ken Lai

QMDJ Case: Divination vs. making things happen

Note: The following blog was written on Sept. 22, 2005

Everyone is great here and entitles to his/ her own

Maybe I become an "establishment pig" or getting too
old to argue with you guys here, so I wish you all
have a good run and great time here.

However, I guess list members may want to see the
philosophical difference between "making things
happen" side and the divination side of QMDJ, so I
share with you a case here.

During a morning of last December, Tim, a relative of
mine who lives in Toronto, hit an old lady with his
car while driving to work. The old lady was
hospitalized for a few weeks.

The accident happened due to a sun glare tbat blinds
temporarily. He admitted guilt himself privately.
The police has charged him "reckless driving".

In Canada, it is popular to get a paralegal to "fight"
trafffic tickets. So Tim got one.

Their trick of the trade is simple-- bargain with
prosecutor for a lesser charge. Tim had agreed to
plead guilty to a disdemeanor charge of some sort.

Tim had called me about the case---- this moment could
have been a QMDJ time for doing divination, to figure
out if he'll be found guilty, fines, jail and etc.

But I do not like predicting the future, so I did
something else instead. I set up the hour-pan (chart)
for his court day and calculate the direction for that
hour that may help him win the case.

I set him to walk in a certain direction (Xiu-Men or
Rest Gate with certain stars) and stay at a certain
tai-ji during the court day.

Everyone in the court was expecting a cookie cutter
that should take no longer than 5 minutes. Everyone
thrown out of balance when Tim suddenly pleaded "NOT

So the Judge called the witnesses, prosecutor and the
victim to testify for more than 2 hours. Tim had not
said even one word after pleading not guilty.

Somehow the victim was too eager to prove her injury.
She first said she was knocked unconscious by the car.
Then she said she saw someone take her wallet.

The judge the checked some law case books for twenty
some minutes. Then he declared that Tim is not guilty.

Everyone in court was stunned.

But more to come....

Last month, the old lady has filed a Canadian$1.5
Million lawsuit against Tim for physical injury and
emotional distress. If Tim had pleaded guilty to the
lesser charge, he'll have a tough time fighting this
civil lawsuit.

You may ask, if the old lady ask you to help in this
case, what will you advise her?

I'll not show the detail here of how to do it, but she
might have roasted Tim's behind if she use Shang-men
(Hurt gate) with some other stars.

There are also some minor Qi-men tricks for
litigation, like wearing certain color clothing or
bring along people with certain animal signs.

QMDJ is JAM (Just Another Method), not another "Feng
Shui Hammer".

Ken Lai

First Imperial Qi-Men-Dun-Jia Seminar in Spanish

Note: The following blog was written in Dec. 1, 2006.

I've just finished the first Imperial QMDJ seminar in
Spanish in Mexico City last weekend.

This is probably the first QMDJ in Spanish. It
presents challenge to both the local organizer and me.
He has a heck of time to translate 500+ pages of
materials into Spanish and I've to tackle the
limitation of class duration.

The English version takes 5 days with 8-hours days.
In Mexico, the standard class duration is only 6 hours
(including coffee breaks!). We cannot extend the days
as it will increase tuition costs to students.

In the old days, it took 2-3 years to learn QMDJ. In
modern days, it takes 3 months in Taiwan to learn it.

If I factor in the time used by the translator, the
actual class time will be 50% of the English version.

So I am forced to put more critical info in written
form and let students read at their leisure.
Normally, most teachers only teach the important info
verbally in class to combat piracy. I've also designed
new learning aids and cheat sheets for accelerated

I've designed a "Magic Translation Ruler" that enable
students to translate QMDJ terms in a flash-- to find
out the elemental nature, auspiciousness of each
element and if 9-stars, 8-gates and 9-stems are fu-yin
or fan-yin.

I've taught a hi-speed method of finding out
day-charts. It takes as little as 30 seconds to find
the chart once the day stem and branch (binomial) is

My Imperial QMDJ Luopan version 3 has some new
features: color and number coded for quick
recognition of elemental nature and auspiciousness/
inauspiciousness of each object. In addition to hour
charts, this luopan can also handle day, month and
year pans.

At the back of the IQMDJ luopan, I've put a highly
condensed "cheat sheet" that enables me to cut
instruction time by at least a day or two. Of course,
this really hurts into my bottom line. It also makes
copycats and pirates easier to learn QMDJ too. But
many Mexican students have sacrificed a lot to come to
this class, so I make sure they learn something.

The class is separated into two sessions with a
spacing of 6 weeks. The first 3 days are concentrated
on practical applications and the last 2 days on
theory and chart construction.

This arrangement enables students to test out QMDJ
before coming back for the theory class.

At the end of first session, I've given students 2
months worth of QMDJ charts (both day and hour charts,
about 4800 charts) optimized for
a. Buy/Sell and wealth-pursuit
b. Examination and Interview
c. Grand-opening and campaigning
d. Debt-collection and litigation
e. Construction and promotion
f. Recreation and health

Here are some results reported:

--A student got $5000 off WITHOUT asking when he buy a
property. He uses QMDJ good direction and seating

--A student advised his pal using QMDJ, who were owed
a debt by a dead-beat for a long time. The debtor
suddenly offers him an used car to pay for the debt.
Two weeks later, he replaced the used car with a newer
Honda car-- without being asked.

--A student decided to test debt-collection chart one
morning. So he walked the QMDJ direction with his
dog. When he returned to his house, his partner said
the debtor suddenly called to pay the debt.

--A student advised her land-developer father on how
to walk the QMDJ chart and QMDJ seating method before
meeting a "very bad" customer. He was amazed that he
has sold 4 house at a pop to this hard-to-deal with
customer without using much effort. He then has sold
2 more houses to 2 separate customers using the same

The common thread of these examples is that the users
do not expect easy results from difficult people.

The highlight of the class is when I talked about how
to apply QMDJ to soccer matches-- everyone's eyes
looked like $ signs. South Americans are crazy for
soccers. So we may see the Mexican National Soccer
team use QMDJ in the next World Cup match...

But I forgot to talk about how to use QMDJ to cross
the USA border.... may be a QMDJ class for the coyote
and a QMDJ class for USA Border Agents....

At end of the seminar, I gave students 2700 optimized
and task-specific charts, including one year's worth
of wealth-pursing day charts.

I'll be in Europe next few weeks....

Ken Lai

Introduction to Imperial QMDJ Astrology

Note; The following blog was posted on August 5, 2005

From time to time, we hear people talk about someone
being in the right place at the right time.

Putting someone "in the right place at the right time"
is the specialty of Qi-Men-Dun-Jia (QMDJ).

QMDJ was created about 3500 years ago primarily for
military applications. It's employment had been
restricted to the ruling class or the Chinese
emperors. Average people were prohibited to study
QMDJ for fear of overturning the emperor.

QMDJ, Tai-yi(¤Ó¤A) and Liu-ren (¤»¤Ð) are the the
top-3 Chinese metaphysical methods. QMDJ has
integrated the essence of Chinese metaphysical
concepts like He-Tu, Lao-shu, 9-palaces, 9-stars,
stems and branches, 5-element and yin-yang theories,
astronomy, solar terms and luopan. So QMDJ analysis
is extremely content-rich and powerful.

Here are the steps involved in constructing a QMDJ "pan" or chart:
1. transforming a date and hour into stems and
branches (like 4P)
2. deciding whether this is "yin-dun" (fly backward)
or "yang-dun" (fly forward) chart.
3. constructing the earth plate
4. constructing the heaven plate
5. constructing the 9-palaces
6. constructing the 8 "men" or doors
7. constructing the 9-stars
8. constructing the 8-gods

This integration probably makes QMDJ into one of the
toughest methods to learn. Purple White and Flying
Star methods had "borrowed" components from QMDJ, like
the way stars flying forward (yang-dun) or backward

It used to take 2 years just to learn how to construct
QMDJ charts. Now it still takes 2 months in Taiwan to
learn the same thing. Ken Lai, the teacher of
Imperial QMDJ, will shrink this learning time to 2
days and eventually to a few minutes. In order to
achieve this seemingly impossible goal, Ken has
created a QMDJ luopan (free to students) to facilitate
learning visually.

In ancient times, QMDJ were applied in battles,
military strategy and training, self-protection,
escape, hunting, fishing, talisman-creation, wealth/
power pursuits, catching criminals, date-selection,
luck/ blessing enhancement and more.

Modern applications of QMDJ include negotiation,
marketing, getting loans, debt-collection,
competition, taking exams and interviews, legal
dispute resolution, trading, dating, shopping,
boosting personal luck and blessing, date-selection
and more.

1. Both FS and QMDJ make use of time and space to
enhance a person's luck and well-being. But QMDJ can
be very razor-sharp or specific in improving the
chance of the selected outcome (e.g. passing exam).

2. FS normally takes a much longer time to see
effect, like months. For QMDJ, it is developed for
quick-changing battle-field environment, so the effect
is much quicker. For example, changing the tai-ji of
a QMDJ chart can take as little as 10- 15 minutes.

3. Some FS charts or physical environments are pretty
much fixed or hard to modify without incurring major
expenses. For QMDJ, there is no such restriction.
You can apply it anywhere, even when you are

It is inexpensive to apply QMDJ. So QMDJ is "mobile
Feng Shui (TM)" in some sense.

4. A good FS chart or setup may only be favorable to
the bread-winner of the house and not other family
members. For QMDJ, it can derive a good time and
space for EVERY member of the house for any
task-specific occasion.

5. Feng Shui enhancement needs to couple with
date-selection to achieve better results. QMDJ is
great for date-selection.

6. There are numerous Feng Shui schools and often
they provide contradictory suggestions. To a much
smaller extent, QMDJ has the same problem.

7. Sometimes Feng Shui needs the birthday of the
occupants. QMDJ does not need this data to apply, so
it is better in the protection of client privacy.

Methods like 4-Pillars and ZWDS have a strong dose of
fatalism--- destiny is hard to change or at most one
got 20- 30% chance to change destiny.

What these methods do is essentially reading the
"blue-print" of one's destiny from a birth date, not
what will happen EXACTLY in the future due to
differences in one's social class, geographical
locations and the like.

QMDJ is very different in this sense-- it is proactive
or does not give a damn on one's destiny chart. It
tries to give an edge to the client by placing him in
a direction and time slot with the best qi combination
that will boost his luck towards achieving reasonable
goals (NOT miracle!).

There are 4 major schools:

1. Astronomical Qi-Men (¤Ñ¬P©_ªù), a.k.a. Qin-Dun
(¸V¹P)--- this school did not survive, no descendents
to carry on the school.

2. San-yuan Qi-Men (¤T¤¸©_ªù)-- this one is the most
popular nowadays

3. Fa-Qi-Men (ªk©_ªù)-- this involves supernatural
forces and talisman and is mostly associated with

4. Fei-Gong-Xiao-Qi-Men (Flying Palace Small Qi-Men,
­¸©x¤p©_ªù)-- a simplified version of QM.

Ken will focus on San-Yuan Qi-Men, although he may
pass a few Fa-Qi-Men tricks, such as making your
spouse disappear (just kidding, this trick will
quadruple course fee for dodging alimony and child
support). But tricks like finding a parking space or
removing a fish-bone in your throat will be taught if
time allows.
There are 4 types of QMDJ:
1. Year QMDJ for events that last a year or longer
2. Month QMDJ for events that last a month
3. Day QMDJ for events that last a day
4. Hour QMDJ for events that last one Chinese hour (2
-- hour QMDJ is the most popular one, most Chinese
QMDJ books just cover hour QMDJ.

Within QMDJ itself, there are two major tracks:
1. finding the right place and time for some very
goal-specific activities; or determining if a specific
time and place is appropriate for certain tasks.
"Right time and place" means putting the client in a
qi-field that will enhance his chance to achieve
specific goal, like winning a negotiation or passing
an exam.

2. forecasting or divination: in this branch, it
forecasts the outcome of an activity based on the time
the question is asked or when the activity takes

Time and place selection is easier to learn in a short
time than divination. For divination, one has to be
proficient in imagery of not only in 4-Pillars, but
also Bagua, nine-stars, 8-gods and more. The
combinations and interactions between plates are
almost astronomical. So it is not easy for the
ordinary person. There are better methods to do
divination, such as Mei-Hua-Yi-Shu (Plume Flower
Divination) or Yi-Jing divination. Using QMDJ to do
divination is like using a tank to crash an egg. It
is an overkill.

I hope you can arrive at your own definition of QMDJ
after reading this long passage.

In one sentence: QMDJ is a method to exploit the
beneficial energy or qi dervived from the interaction
between specific time and space for a specific
purpose. This energy or qi has magnetic properties
that will boost the energy or qi of an individual
situated in that point of space and time.

Darn! That is too complicated! "QMDJ puts a person
in the right time and place to absorb beneficial qi
and maximize goal attainment."

Imperial QMDJ is based on the 1080 "ju" or charts
written under imperial order. Ken has the 2100+ pages
manuscript listing its applications in detail.

Here are something that Imperial QMDJ can do:
1. setting up weekly or even monthly QMDJ chart
schedules to guide you which directions to take
everyday, to maximize health, wealth and other special
goals. This is very easy to do once you are familiar
with chart creation.

2. as an additional aid for starting FS remedies in a
certain direction.

3. as a FS practitioner, you can expand your service
menu to:
-- Qi-Men date-selection
-- boosting exam luck for client
-- boosting interview luck
-- boosting romance luck
-- boosting wealth luck
-- boosting business luck
-- selling customized "monthly beneficial direction
-- litigation support using QMDJ
-- bounty-hunter support
-- sport competition support using QMDJ
-- shopping/ travelling/ recreation
-- debt-collection help
-- loan acquisition help
-- marketing/ telemarketing/ advertising

-- cannot do miracle
-- cannot guarantee you hit lottery
-- cannot make you rich overnight
-- cannot transform an idiot into a genius
-- cannot make you a FS master overnight

In short, QMDJ is just another method (JAM) that helps
improving your chance of attaining certain goals. It
primarily boosts your absorption of beneficial qi
energy to improve your CHANCES for success. By
absorption it means the magnetic properties of a
person interact with the task-specific directional

Generally speaking, if someone is close to the
borderline of passing or failing, then QMDJ will make
a big difference. If the person is a hopeless idiot,
nothing can help.

What is more important? Feng Shui or QMDJ?

Ken will answer this question in his Imperial QMDJ
class, including to what extent QMDJ helps.

If QMDJ is so great, why did the Chinese dynasty or
emperor surive?

Again, Ken will answer it in the class.

Here is the QMDJ seminar that Ken Lai offers:

IMPERIAL QMDJ: Foundations (2 days)
-- major concepts, chart constructions
-- chart type: auspicious vs inauspicious
-- includes a QMDJ moveable luopan
IMPERIAL QMDJ: Applications (3 days)
-- real life personal and business applications
-- advanced chart recognition and applications

-- if you max out your credit card to take this class
-- if this is your last US$2- 3000 in saving
-- if you have no patience to handle multiple
-- if you think this class will do miracle for you
-- if you have not taken any FS or 4P class
-- if you don't want to learn 100- 120 Chinese
-- if you care more about theories than applying QMDJ
-- if you have criminal record/s (QMDJ helps escaping,
killing and sex-preying if mis-used).

Well, the above categories account for 99.95% of the
online people here. This means I'll have better luck
playing a guitar and collect money in a street corner
with good FS.

Ken Lai