October 23, 2007

Cover letter for "Practical Imperial QMDJ" Video Course


Dear Friend,

Thank you very much for purchasing this video-correspondence course.

The original course plan was much smaller in scale than the current size. You can see the current retail price (US$699 and then $999 in a few months) reflects the amount of work involved and comparable market price of similar products.

There are still quite a few rough edges in the video. It will take forever to ship if I try to correct it all. If the same video is done by professional video company, it will cost US$100- 150k. The street price of each copy will be over US$3000.

The course is not perfect. But I found video is probably better than live-class instruction in that the process is a lot smoother. Same amount of information can be shown in about 1/3 of the time used in live class. So you can learn more efficiently and at your own leisure or pace. Slow learners can also learn easier with video. Combining an online discussion group with a video course may outshine live class instructions.

However, it takes 3- 4 times more time to prepare for video than live class. The danger of piracy and lost revenue are also much higher than live class. The video was made in a 2- 3 month period and you can see I have “aged” through the process.

If after taking the course, you feel that the price tag is too high for something this simple, then I have done my job.

In 2005 when I first taught "Imperial QMDJ", a Chinese teacher also announced that he will have a QMDJ class, but it will be six months later. Another Chinese teacher also made a similar announcement, but the course will be available two years later (he will teach it in early 2008).

So you know it takes a master-level Chinese teacher 6 months to 2 years to learn or prepare for QMDJ. Now my course can show you how to use QMDJ in as little as an hour. It takes me a long time to develop this course to make it simple and easy to learn.

This is a “practical” course in that I minimize theory and items that will confuse you rather than helping you to use QMDJ. Specifically, the process of calculating ju numbers, seasons and chart construction is briefly covered. This part still takes 3-months to learn in Taiwan.

You may ask, does this omission hurt your QMDJ applications?

Even assume you have gone through learning all these “nuts and bolts” process (and spent 2- 3 days and US$800- 1200), you STILL need to check the Qi-Men 10k Calendar. If you check the calendar, why not just flip a few more pages to look for the QMDJ chart at the same time?

Yes, you may manually construct the QMDJ chart—it takes 15- 30 minutes and it is very error-prone with over 50 data points!

The worse thing is, after you have paid and learned these theories, you are likely to forget it in less than a month, especially if you don’t use it often enough.

You don’t need to be a mechanic to drive a car. Same logic applies to QMDJ.

Now with course manuals Mini-Qi-Men 10K calendar and 1080 Tables, you can locate a QMDJ chart and make interpretation in one to five minutes. The theory people cannot even figure out the ju # in 5 minutes!

In my 5-days class that covers both theory and usages, I found most students are likely to get frustrated in the theory and calculations parts that killed most of the class time, leaving very little time for practical examples and demonstrations.

This practical video class covers more grounds (except theory) than my 5-days class. It has more graphics and examples. You will be more confident in applying QMDJ after this class.

Even assuming you have learned nothing from this course, you can still use the “Optimized QMDJ charts” as long as you can read 1-2-3!

Finally, thanks again for your patience and feel free to ask questions in the online discussion group. I cannot possibly put everything into the manual and video. If you like the course, please refer it to your friends or write some comments (can be anonymous) for me or in public lists. If you don’t like it, you can use the DVD with my picture as target practice (Sorry, Chinese does not have a refund custom).

Best Wishes!


Ken Lai

"Practical Imperial QMDJ" with 9 hr. video
"4-Pillars Bootcamp" with 8 hr. video now available
"Daoist Talisman for FS and Blessing" w/ 13 hr video
"Practical Door FS for wealth" w/ 3 hr. video